Monday, May 3, 2010

Forex Trading Tutorial - Learn the Basics of the Forex Market Before You Make a Trade

It's a smart move to be looking into Forex trading! Learning how to become a trader is a fantastic way to make a living. Find the best Forex trading tutorial information is important. Let's take a look at the Forex market now.

The world's largest market is the Forex. Trillions of dollars are exchanged per day. The size is truly incredible. The transactions taking place every hour is mind-boggling. This goes on 24 hours a day.
The Foreign Exchange is completely virtual. There are no trading floors like you've seen on TV or in the movies. The market is accessed by people from around the globe that are individual traders, bank representatives and government officials.
The Forex is a system where currencies are exchanged. If you've ever traveled outside your country, you've probably went to a local bank and exchanged your country's currency for the one you were headed to. This is the same concept on the Forex.
Even though there are a ridiculous amount of transactions happening every day, watching the price action on charts is like watching paint dry. There are a few points in every trading day where price will get volatile and move up and down a bit more. These volatile points are key times to make some serious money.
Some traders use manual techniques to try and predict the direction of price at these volatile times. Others like me use sophisticated software to do this for us. This is the best trading strategy in my opinion and the opinion of thousands of other successful home traders.
There are some similarities with this market and the stock market. You buy and sell currency pairs like you would a stock. This market, however, is open 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. The stock market is open 9:30AM to 4:00PM EST.
There's no "big brother" governing body that monitors the Forex. It is truly a free enterprise. Without the interference of large powerful groups, the market is allowed to move naturally. This is very important as technical analysis works best when supply and demand are able to flow without inference and manipulation. Insiders have really made it difficult to trade the stock market due to unfair advantages. This is one major reason why so many are flocking to the Forex market.
There you have it, a quick Forex trading tutorial. Your next step should be to find a trading strategy that makes consistent money for you.
Hector Breton's passion is trading and discussing topics like taking a Forex trading tutorial. Find out what he recommends as the only proven method to trade at

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